In March, I wrote 10,860 words and The Acros Raiders: Down in Flames now is at 70,176 words! My goal for book 2 in The Acros Raiders trilogy is 120k words. To compare, book 1 has around 150k words.
I'd like it to be shorter just for the sake of shortening my work! Also as a bit of practice for my next trilogy that I just refer to as "Steampunk Pirates." I'd like that trilogy to be half as long. Maybe 75% of the size.
March was a personally busy month for me with camping trips, Max's birthday, and of course Easter! It was my first full time month, so I'm a bit sad that the word count has been the worst of the quarter. Seeing that I had a week where I didn't write at all, it's not awful.
I had one event for March, the Gulf View Square Car Show. It was an indoor event, which I'd like to do more of here in the Florida summers! It was a good event for sales and I also got to debut my new publishing house banner. Crow's Nest Publishing House has been my business for a couple years now, so I'm incredibly proud to display the logo banner at events from here on out!
The week of that event was also the week of Max's birthday. Between those two things, house repairs, and building the banner stand, I didn't get much time to write. I also volunteer two days a week, at a bird sanctuary and a botanical garden, so that's where the rest of my time went. Volunteering gets me out of the house and keeps me from going crazy!
Easter night, my sister and I went to watch the sunset at the beach. I got this cool shot of the friendly local pirate ship right under the setting sun. We also saw the green flash at sunset! It's just a simple little green flash as the sun pinches over the horizon. I've seen it one other time and the phenomenon was actually featured in The Acros Raiders: From the Ashes. It is supposed to be an omen of good luck in the land of Harkive, but anyone who has read the book will know just how well Scotty's luck goes after seeing the flash... (not very well.) I don't know how the phenomenon will be featured in Steampunk Pirates, but I think it would be a crime to not include it. Also as a fun fact, on Harkive, the sun sets in the east. It's just a little detail, but I didn't realize how often I'd be describing the sun's place in the sky!
Anyway, I'll see you all in the next recap! Thanks for stopping by!